

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Plans for Today

Having gotten 6.5 hours of sleep at Mom's and Sasha's, I'm assuming I got loads more sleep than Alina and Thomas (whom are obviously at the hospital with Anya), although I hope I'm wrong. I plan to make some blinchiki for breakfast for all of us and visit at 9 this morning. I realize the time on the blog is messed up for some reason, I'll have to set the time zone later. Later in the day, I will be in charge of photographing more firsts of family meeting their grand daughter and great grand daughter to some. I will see some of you there and will keep the rest of you updated throughout the day. Feel free to leave comments as I have no idea whom actually looks at the forum. It will also be nice to read them later on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pavlushka, prishli blinchiki v LA!Mi uzhe i recept zabili, tolstyaki!
Chuvstvuesh' li ti sebya dyadei, i na kakie podvigi sposoben?
Privet vsemu semeistvu!
Prosledi: Kogda dedushka valya voz'met Anyu na ruki, on dolzhen proiznesti zavetnoe "Kosini". Takim obrazom on priznaet malen'kih za rodstvennikov.
Vsem privet!
Dvoyurodnyaya babushka ( ?) Vita.