

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Anya is Finally Home

Everyone is home and getting settled in now. Before Alina left the hospital, she verified that she is finally starting to get milk! I'm off to Orlando now, not sure how much I'd be able to add to this blog while there, so possibly good bye for a while.

Checking Out

I went to Mom's and Sasha's house to take a 4 hour nap and take Sadie out and feed her. In the mean while, Alex came to the hospital with food and they are now in the process of being checked out of the hospital. I'm packing things up here and will meet them wherever they are once I'm done.


Finally some pictures. The second picture shows my baby wrapping. The third is of the chord, it's looking pretty good. The first and fourth speak for themselves.

Night Watch Updates

So I got to sleep from 12-1, which was good as I would need the energy for the busy night up to this point. After I got up, I took over watching Anya to try to get Thomas and more importantly Alina some sleep. Even though Anya and I were doing just fine with the occasional help from a newfound friend pacifier, Alina would wake up every five minutes asking If I'm ok. It must be true what they say about mothers becoming light sleepers as Alina would fall asleep with a clear snore within two seconds after I answered, "I'm doing fine."

Then Anya and I took a trip to get some routine tests done. She didn't cry for any of them and passed with flying colors. There is a chance that we can get discharged tomorrow if Alina's doctor(s) are ok with it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Night Watch

It is now getting close to midnight. Thomas went to take Sadie out (she's not used to me yet) and I'm watching Alina try to sleep with Anya. Letting them sleep together is probably the most effective at maximizing how much sleep Alina gets - and we're all for it. This is a difficult thing as feeding is frequently needed. Anya has managed to fling all of her mittens onto the floor. and since she tends to stick them square into her mouth, I felt the urge to go wash them.

Unfortunately, unless I turn on bright lights or use a flash, I can't really take any decent pictures, sorry.

24 (plus or minus) Hour Update

Things are going as expected, feeding, burping, diaper changes, etc. We've had some visitors as some of these pictures depict.

More Anya!

More pictures! Alina has gotten up 4 times she's doing pretty well.

Plans for Today

Having gotten 6.5 hours of sleep at Mom's and Sasha's, I'm assuming I got loads more sleep than Alina and Thomas (whom are obviously at the hospital with Anya), although I hope I'm wrong. I plan to make some blinchiki for breakfast for all of us and visit at 9 this morning. I realize the time on the blog is messed up for some reason, I'll have to set the time zone later. Later in the day, I will be in charge of photographing more firsts of family meeting their grand daughter and great grand daughter to some. I will see some of you there and will keep the rest of you updated throughout the day. Feel free to leave comments as I have no idea whom actually looks at the forum. It will also be nice to read them later on.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tired & Happy Mommy

First Diaper Change and Bath

Little Anya just got her first bath. She was not too happy with it, but overall did really well. I got the honor of changing her first diaper, it was a first for both of us actually. She is now feeding - again.

Daddy's Girl

The second picture was taken after Anya threw a nice punch. Like I said, she's strong.

We've got hair!

Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures

It's been a while since I've sent updates. Alina is in her room, groggy, but able to feed Anya. Anya is a strong baby, moving her head on her own, and grabbing fingers with phenomenal strength!

News - No News

Were still waiting to get to see Alina. She is being settled into her room right now. I will send news after we see her.

Anya is Born!

Anya Olga Ward
7lb 14oz - 21"
1:54PM Eastern (have to check this)

Surgery Begins

Alina just went into surgery. There might not be an update for a little while as it may be busy in a little bit and we will be making phone calls. Within 10 or 15 minutes of the birth I should have an update.

And So The Waiting Begins

We've arrived at the hospital! Thomas went in with Alina to get her prepared for the C-section and Mom and I are sitting in the waiting room. There is really not much to report just yet - we are waiting with the rest of you. The picture (see left) was taken this morning before leaving for the hospital. Talk to all of you soon.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Less Than a Day to Go!

Tomorrow morning, Alina will be on her way to the hospital - excited, possibly nervous, and most of all looking forward to meeting her daughter for the first time. Later in the day, she will be holding her in her arms, sharing the moment with Thomas (aka daddy). So stay posted, phone calls will be made once there are news and pictures will be posted to this blog. (There will be wireless internet at the hospital and I will be ready with a camera and a laptop.)
