

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Anya is 6.5 Months Old!

At our latest Pediatrician appointment, we were told that Anya is now 17 lbs 11.5 oz, and 28 in long. That means that she is off the charts for height and weighs more than 75% of girls her age. She is so talkative lately, makes all kinds of noises, and is trying to crawl. She gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth. She can also sit if I sit her down on the blanket, and likes to play with everything from remotes and cell phones, to the blinds that are on her window, right at the edge of her crib. She plays peek-a-boo very well now. She loves to jump in her jumparoo and spin all around to see all of the toys. She likes her food as well. My friend Katie and I made organic baby food a couple of times together, and split up the food. It was fun and easy to do and I think our girls will appreciate our efforts. So far we made sweet potato, apple sauce, carrots, pears, summer squash, and peaches. We are thinking about what else we can make at home for Anya and Avery (Katie's little girl, as seen on pic. # 6, who is only 5 days older than Anya). Well, that's it for the updates for now, watch the video below, and feel free to leave comments!

Video of Anya

Here is a video of me making Anya laugh, and another one of Thomas trying to make her laugh. Sorry that the second one is so shaky, but I just uploaded the whole thing. We will have to post more videos later. Please feel free to leave comments!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Latest Pictures

The picture of Anya in her bathing suit is from her first time swimming in the pool. She had a good time, but I don't think she understood what was going on.
The picture with Anya and a bowl and a spoon is from tonight. She really likes things that makes noise and was trying to reach for the decorative plates that are behind the couch, because they make noise when you move them. So we gave her something that she couldn't break.
Lately, she also learned how to play peek-a-boo. She lifts up her dress over her face, and then pulls it down quickly and smiles!

Monday, July 7, 2008

More Pictures

I took these pictures over the last couple of weeks. Anya is getting very active lately. She rolls over very easy and is trying to crawl, but still doesn't have the hang of it yet. She laughs when Thomas or I do fake sneezes or any other kind of surprising noise. She also laughs when Sadie barks, or licks her mouth.